Minggu, 19 Desember 2010

Sugar Free. Bebas Gula tapi Pakai Biang Gula Kimia Aspartam!

Tanggal 18 Desember 2010 (Sabtu) lalu anak saya beli permen "F." Sugar Free. Bebas Gula. Tapi belakangan setelah saya periksa mengandung Aspartam.

Saya cuma mencicipi 2 butir saja. Tak lama tenggorokan berasa radang/tidak nyaman. Sementara anak saya Irfan yang berumur 6 tahun jadi radang dan demam. Kepalanya pusing dan badannya jadi lemas. Akhirnya saya beri kapsul dexamethasone 0,5 mg separuh dan amoxicillin 500 mg 1/4 kapsul. Untuk panasnya, saya beri Tempra Forte 1/2 sendok teh.

Alhamdulillah Senin paginya mulai baikan. Saya pribadi terpaksa juga harus makan obat yang sama karena radang mengganggu.

Bayangkan, 2 butir permen saja sudah mengganggu saya, bagaimana dgn anak saya? Jadi ada baiknya para orang tua turut mencicipi permen/makanan yang dimakan anak-anaknya untuk melindungi mereka.

Jika ada makanan/minuman yang bertuliskan "Sugar Free" , "0 Sugar/ Zero Sugar" atau "Bebas Gula", jangan bangga dulu. Sebab bisa jadi malah berbahaya.

Gula meski berbahaya bagi penderita Diabetes Mellitus, namun terbuat dari bahan alami: air tebu.

Namun Aspartam yang baru ditemukan tahun 1981 itu adalah biang gula kimia. Karena baru beredar 29 tahun, kita belum bisa memastikan apakah itu aman/tidak meski FDA sudah menyatakannya aman.

Silahkan lihat kontroversi Aspartam:

Belakangan ini keamanan untuk penggunaan aspartam mulai dipertanyakan oleh banyak pihak, namun sertifikasi aman yang telah dikeluarkan oleh FDA dan FSA Eropa akhirnya menyulut kontroversi. Penyelidikan lebih menyeluruh mulai banyak diusulkan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana hubungan antara aspartam dan banyak efek negatif yang mungkin ditimbulkannya seperti sakit kepala, tumor otak dan limpoma.[2][3][4] Semua penemuan ini, ditambahkan kemungkinan akan kebenaran bahaya aspartam membuat masyarakat mulai berpikir ulang untuk menggunakan aspartam.[5][6]. Film dokumenter rilis tahun 2004 Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World juga menggambarkan kondisi seputar kontroversi aspartam juga.


Menurut saya, jika ingin manis, sebaiknya pakai bahan yang alami seperti gula atau madu. Jangan pakai biang gula seperti Aspartam yang kimiawi/tidak alami. Sebab biasanya sesuatu yang baru, baru diketahui efek samping buruknya setelah puluhan tahun dikonsumsi.

Saat ini Aspartam sudah kontroversial. Meski FDA dan sebagian orang bilang aman, sudah ada yang mempertanyakan keamanannya. Saya pribadi karena sudah mengalami hal yang buruk beserta anak, lebih memilih menjauhi segala pemanis buatan macam Aspartam. Lebih baik pakai gula asli meski lebih mahal. Permen/makanan murah, jika akhirnya biaya berobatnya lebih mahal (itu jika masih bisa diobati) buat apa?

Kecilnya tulisan komposisi kandungan zat pada permen/makanan lainnya membuat saya yang plus 1,5 ini sulit membacanya. Lebih besar tulisan merek dan Sugar Freenya ketimbang tulisan komposisi zatnya. Jika tulisannya tak terbaca, lebih baik jangan dibeli.

Tulisan ini sekedar sharing agar kejadian yang sama tidak terulang bukan hanya pada diri saya dan keluarga, tapi juga ke yang lain. Semoga bermanfaat.

Di internet beredar bahwa tulisan Aspartam bisa menyebabkan Kanker cuma HOAX, termasuk di Kaskus.us yang merupakan forum diskusi terbesar di Indonesia:


Tapi ternyata berita tersebut dimuat juga di New York Time yang merupakan Media Massa Dunia yang cukup bergengsi. Dan yang menyimpulkan Aspartam sebagai kemungkinan zat yang menyebabkan Kanker bukan main-main. Tapi seorang Peneliti Kanker di Bologna Italia yang membawahi 180 ilmuwan di 30 negara: Dr. Morando Soffritti. Dia bersama tim Risetnya melakukan penelitian di European Ramazzini Foundation of Oncology and Environmental Sciences selama 7 tahun dengan melibatkan 1.900 tikus laboratorium dan biaya US$ 1 juta. Jadi tidak main-main....


Dr. Morando Soffritti, a cancer researcher in Bologna, Italy,
The study, which involved 1,900 laboratory rats and cost $1 million, was conducted at the European Ramazzini Foundation of Oncology and Environmental Sciences, a nonprofit organization that studies cancer-causing substances; Dr. Soffritti is its scientific director.

WHEN Dr. Morando Soffritti, a cancer researcher in Bologna, Italy, saw the results of his team's seven-year study on aspartame, he knew he was about to be injected into a bitter controversy over this sweetener, one of the most contentiously debated substances ever added to foods and beverages.

A study conducted at an Italian cancer research center, above, has rekindled the debate on aspartame.

Aspartame is sold under the brand names Nutra-Sweet and Equal and is found in such popular products as Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi, Diet Snapple and Sugar Free Kool-Aid. Hundreds of millions of people consume it worldwide. And Dr. Soffritti's study concluded that aspartame may cause the dreaded "c" word: cancer.



Beberapa tulisan tentang Aspartam:

Meski tulisan di bawah mendukung Aspartam itu aman, namun Editornya memberi catatan bahwa tanggal 7 Juni 1999 di Wall Street Journal diberitakan bahwa sejak FDA menyetujui Aspartam di tahun 1981, sudah ada  7.000 pemakai yang mengeluh karena Aspartam. Keluhannya di antaranya pusing kepala. Jika dalam 18 tahun saja sudah ada 7.000 orang yang mengeluh (yang tidak mengeluh/tidak sadar tentu lebih banyak), bisa kita bayangkan bahayanya yang boleh jadi tidak lansung. Tapi bertahap:

Editor's note: In the June 7, 1999, issue of The Wall Street Journal, Marilyn Chase reported that since the FDA approved aspartame in 1981, it has received more than 7,000 consumer complaints about the product—the most common complaint being a headache. Controlled trials, however, were unable to make any link between aspartame use and headaches.



Di bawah tulisannya lebih parah lagi. Aspartam bukan cuma sekedar membuat pusing. Tapi juga cacat mental bagi anak-anak, tumor otak, dan sebagainya:

World Environmental Conference and
the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation
FDA Issuing for
Collusion with Monsanto
purportedly by Nancy Markle

I have spent several days lecturing at the WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL CONFERENCE on “ASPARTAME marketed as ‘NutraSweet’, ‘Equal’, and Spoonful”‘. In the keynote address by the EPA, they announced that there was an epidemic of multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus, and they did not understand what toxin was causing this to be rampant across the United States. I explained that I was there to lecture on exactly that subject.

When the temperature of Aspartame exceeds 86 degrees F, the wood alcohol in ASPARTAME converts to formaldehyde and then to formic acid, which in turn causes metabolic acidosis. (Formic acid is the poison found in the sting of fire ants). The methanol toxicity mimics multiple sclerosis; thus people were being diagnosed with having multiple sclerosis in error. The multiple sclerosis is not a death sentence, where methanol toxicity is.
How bad is this?
We told a mother who had a child on NutraSweet to get off the product. The child was having grand mal seizures every day. The mother called her physician, who called the ADA, who told the doctor not to take the child off the NutraSweet. We are still trying to convince the mother that the aspartame is causing the seizures. Every time we get someone off of aspartame, the seizures stop. If the baby dies, you know whose fault it is, and what we are up against. There are 92 documented symptoms of aspartame, from coma to death. The majority of them are all neurological, because the aspartame destroys the nervous system.

Aspartame Disease:
is partially the cause to what is behind some of the mystery of the Desert Storm health problems. The burning tongue and other problems discussed in over 60 cases can be directly related to the consumption of an aspartame product. Several thousand pallets of diet drinks were shipped to= the Dessert Storm troops. (Remember heat can liberate the methanol from the aspartame at 86 degrees F). Diet drinks sat in the 120 degree F. Arabian sun for weeks at a time on pallets. The service men and women drank them all day long. All of their symptoms are identical to aspartame poisoning. Dr. Roberts says “consuming aspartame at the time of conception can cause birth defects”. The phenylalanine concentrates in the placenta, causing mental retardation, according to Dr. Louis Elsas, Pediatrician Professor – Genetics, at Emory University in his testimony before Congress.

In the original lab tests, animals developed brain tumors (phenylalanine breaks down into DXP, a brain tumor agent). When Dr. Espisto was lecturing on aspartame, one physician in the audience, a neurosurgeon, said

Dangers of Aspartame Poisoning

The dangers of aspartame poisoning have been a well guarded secret since the 1980s. The research and history of aspartame is conclusive as a cause of illness and toxic reactions in the human body. Aspartame is a dangerous chemical food additive, and its use during pregnancy and by children is one of the greatest modern tragedies of all.

Why haven't you heard about aspartame poisoning before? Partly because the diet industry is worth trillions of American dollars to corporations, and they want to protect their profits by keeping the truth behind aspartame's dangers hidden from the public. When NutraSweet® was introduced for the 'second' time in 1981, a diet craze revolutionized America's eating protocols and a well-oiled money machine was set into motion changing modern lifestyles.

After more than twenty years of aspartame use, the number of its victims is rapidly piling up, and people are figuring out for themselves that aspartame is at the root of their health problems. Patients are teaching their doctors about this nutritional peril, and they are healing themselves with little to no support from traditional medicine.

What can you do about aspartame poisoning?

Set an example by changing your diet.

* Tell everyone you know.
* Talk to the schools and day care centers. Offer to speak at parent-teachers meetings.
* Contact your local, state, and Federal government representatives.
* If you see someone with a diet drink, ask if they have had any of the typical aspartame side effects.
* Spread the word at your work.
* Distribute the Aspartame Consumer Safety Network and Pilot's Hotline number: 1-800-969-6050 or 1-214-563-4268.
* Tell your doctor about the scientific research available proving the negative side effects of aspartame.
* Register a complaint with the FDA, the FAA, the NutraSweet Company about aspartame poisoning.
* Return all food products with aspartame, opened or unopened, to your grocer. Tell him/her the products make you sick. The grocer can return them to the manufacturer for a store refund. The manufacturer should get the message. So, will the grocer.
* Spread the word on computer networks.
* Publish articles in newsletters at your church, place of work, or neighborhood association.
* Set a personal example for health and wellness.
Aspartame Dangers

The dangers of aspartame poisoning have been a well guarded corporate secret since the 1980s. The research and history of aspartame dangers is conclusive as a cause of illness and toxic reactions in the human body. Aspartame dangers are the result of its chemical structure, and its use during pregnancy and by children is one of the greatest aspartame dangers of all.

Aspartame dangers are the common denominator for over 92 different health symptoms at the root of modern disease. The Aspartame Detoxification Program demonstrates the most effective way to reverse aspartame dangers by removing the underlying cause - aspartame.
Aspartame Disease

I counsel aspartame victims worldwide and witness nine out of ten clients restore their health by following the Aspartame Detoxification Program. Recovery from Aspartame Disease begins with detoxifying your body of all residual chemical toxins from aspartame’s chemical structure of phenylalanine, aspartic acid and methanol and their toxic by-products.

Many contemporary health practitioners call modern disease syndromes ASPARTAME DISEASE because aspartame is at the root of diseases such as:

aspartame fibromaylagia, aspartame restless leg syndrome, aspartame and migraines, aspartame and vaginal irritation, aspartame and tumors, aspartame allergy, aspartame multiple sclerosis, bladder cancer aspartame, aspartame and central nervous system, aspartame & infertility, aspartame and weight control, aspartame and weight gain, and aspartame Parkinson's Disease. The chemical structure of aspartame causes the body to mimic these disease symptoms, but bottom line, it's aspartame disease.

Aspartame Structure

The structure of aspartame seems simple, but what a complicated structure aspartame really is. Two isolated amino acids in aspartame are fused together by its third component, deadly methanol. In this structure, methanol bonds the two amino acids together, but when released at a mere 86 degrees Fahrenheit, the methanol becomes a poisonous free radical.

Methanol breaks down into formic acid and formaldehyde, embalming fluid. Methanol is a dangerous neurotoxin, a known carcinogen, causes retinal damage in the eye, interferes with DNA replication, and causes birth defects.

Aspartic acid makes up forty percent of the structure of aspartame. Under excess conditions, the structure of aspartic acid can cause endocrine (hormone) disorders and vision problems. Aspartic acid is a neuroexicter, which means its structure affects the central nervous system. Hyperactivity is stimulated by aspartic acid, so this structure is not good for ADD/ADHD conditions and should be avoided during pregnancy.

Adverse reactions to aspartic acid are: headaches/migraines, nausea, abdominal pain, fatigue, sleep disorders, vision problems, anxiety attacks, depression, and asthma/chest tightness. The second isolated amino acid in aspartame's chemical structure is phenylalanine, fifty percent of aspartame's 3-D structure. Too much phenylalanine causes seizures, elevated blood plasma, is dangerous for pregnancy causing retardation, PMS caused by phenylalanine's blockage of serotonin, insomnia, and severe mood swings.

Keluhan ke FDA terhadap pemakaian Aspartam di lembaga pemerintah AS, CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention):


In February 1984, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requested CDC's assistance in evaluating consumer complaints that FDA had received about consumption of aspartame-containing products. The request followed an increase in aspartame-related complaints in the latter half of 1983. Complaints to the FDA increased from 108 in the first 6 months of 1983 to 248 in the last 6 months. This increase coincided with approval of aspartame for use in soft drinks in July 1983.

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