Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

Diskusi dengan Pembela Yahudi Soal Kebenaran Holocaust

Di bawah adalah diskusi soal kebenaran Holocaust dengan seorang pembela Yahudi, Joe.

Joe menyatakan ada 6 juta Yahudi dibunuh NAZI Jerman dalam Holocaust. Holocaust adalah pembantaian 6 juta Yahudi dengan memakai Kamar Gas (Gas Chamber).

Namun itu tak masuk akal.

Pertama, pada Perang Dunia 2 ada 55 juta orang yang meninggal. Korbannya dari Rusia, Inggris, Cina, Perancis, dsb. Bahkan paling tidak ada 1 juta warga Indonesia yang meninggal akibat kelaparan karena makanannya diambil oleh tentara Jepang.

Ada 55 juta warga dunia meninggal, kenapa Holocaust itu khusus untuk Yahudi saja?

Kemudian jumlah 6 juta warga Yahudi di Jerman dibantai juga tak masuk akal. Jumlah Yahudi di Inggris saat itu cuma 300 ribu. Jadi jumlah Yahudi di Jerman kurang lebih sama, sekitar 300 ribu-500 ribu jiwa. Jadi tak mungkin ada 6 juta warga Yahudi dibantai di Jerman. Apalagi masih banyak tersisa orang2 yang selamat seperti Anne Frank. Bahkan sekarang pun jumlah Yahudi di Jerman lebih dari 800 ribu jiwa. Jadi tak masuk akal.

Kamar Gas itu harus kuat dan tak boleh bocor. Jika tidak, orang-orang Jerman yang menggas di luar juga bisa terbunuh oleh gas beracun. Jadi paling-paling 1 ruang gas itu hanya 1000 m2 yang cuma menampung 1000 orang saja.

Jika ada 6 juta warga Yahudi yang dibantai, berarti ada 6000 antrian. Nah jika 1 antrian perlu waktu 1 hari untuk menggas dan menyingkirkan 1000 mayat, untuk menggas 6 juta orang butuh waktu 6000 hari atau 16 tahun lebih. Tidak masuk akal.

Bahkan jika 6 juta Yahudi tersebut didatangkan dari Polandia, Cekoslowakia, dsb, berapa banyak mobil, supir, pengawal, dan bensin yang harus disediakan NAZI Jerman untuk itu?

Jika 1 mobil dapat menampung 100 orang, maka dibutuhkan 60 ribu mobil, 60 ribu supir, 60 ribu pengawal, dan 6 juta liter bensin! Hey, bangsa Jerman sedang berperang melawan sekutu. Mana mungkin mereka mau menghabiskan sumber daya begitu banyak cuma untuk menggas 6 juta Yahudi?

Silahkan lihat diskusinya di:



The comment of a Jewish Defender, Joe, is answered directly so we could read Joe’s comment and the respond easily. Also saving space.

Listen, you bitch.

Well the Jews and the Jewish dogs are very rude. No wonder the Germans kill some of them…:)

The holocaust did happen. Have you ever talked to a Holocaust survivor? Have you ever read Anne Frank? Or Night?

Well, 55 million people died in World War II. There were people from Russia, British, Japan, China, etc. So why the Holocaust only referred to the Jew?
Many people write HOAX in the internet and other media. So Anne Frank’s book might be a HOAX. After all, no one verified Anne’s writing.

The reason you numbers are so messed up is because that was reported after the holocaust. Also, there were millions of Jews in Poland, Czech, Slovakia, and more. The nazis published fake records to cover up these crimes against humanity, idiot.

Well 6 million Jews died in Holocaust is only a HOAX. It does not make sense. In Britain where there was no holocaust, the Jewish population only 300,000 people. I believe in German the number was about the same. Around 300,000-500,000. So if there were 6 million Jews killed in GAS Chamber while leaving many Jewish survivors such as Anne Frank, how many Jews lived in German? 12 million? It doesn’t make sense!

And how come the Jews population in German now more than 800,000 people? More than Jews population in Britain at WW 2:

The GAS CHAMBER should be very strong and has no leak so it could kill people inside, yet safe for the people who gas them outside. If there is a leak, then the NAZI could die too. So, one Gas Chamber’s size is around 1,000 m2. To gas 6 million Jews (if it is not a hoax), then there will be 6,000 lines if one room could only fit 1,000 people.

It will take 6,000 days (more than 16 years) to gas and dispose the body of 6 million victims. Do you believe that?

Even if the Germans should take the 6 million Jews from Polland, Czech, Slovakia, and more, how many cars, drivers, gasoline, and guards they should provide? If one car could only fit 100 passengers, then the Germans need 60,000 cars and also at least 6,000,000 liters of GASOLINE. Hey, the Germans were at war! Why should they spend so much resources just to gas 6 million Jews there?

The answer to all the Hoax is Jews are liars. They try to cheat people in the world…

You are clearly anti-semetic, selfcentered, and a coward.

Even though you are not Christian, you are going to hell, and for all I care, I hope you do.

Well, I just say the truth. I don’t buy the Jewish lie…
The Jews now are slaughtering people in Palestine. The Jews also try to kill Jesus. The Jews such as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers are nothing but Leech to the world.
So, it’s the Jews that are going to hell.

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