Minggu, 25 November 2012

How to Fight Spammers - Annoying Hardly Unreadable Captcha in Facebook

I put my own website http://media-islam.or.id on my own wall, yet I have to fill a very hard to read Captcha. It's annoying. Actually when "Not Spam">"Spam", FB should remove the URL from black/grey list. Or FB should use a simple math yet easy to read such as 3+4=? where people should enter the right answer such as 7.

FB has to find out spammer from: 1. FB Account (FBA) Spammer, 2. URL Spammer. FBA that spread spam such as easy money scam should be banned. URL: 1. Popular URL, 2. URL Spammer. Popular URL spread by MANY FBAs. It should not be banned. While URL Spammer contains EASY MONEY SCAM. All Social Medias such as FB, MySpace, Yahoo, Google, etc should have a common black list URL spammers so they will end up for good...

To fight Spammers, the Web Browsers (Chrome, Opera, IE, FF, etc) and Email Clients (Yahoo, Gmail, MS Outlook, Evolution) should provide their users to mark the senders or the URL sent as SPAM or LIKE. The data should be stored in common database called "Blacklist" The black list could be email account such as spammer@yahoo.com or spammer@gmail.com, or URL such as spammer.com.

If more than 90% mark them as SPAM, then all Web Browsers and Email Clients should blocked them. In fact, it should not be listed in DNS.

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